
English 日本語


国内最大SEP船の初稼働をサポート 蘭建機メーカーの打設機器

清水建設が建造した国内最大のSEP船「BLUE WIND」。富山県入善町沖の初稼働を全面的にサポートしたのが、オランダの建機メーカー兼作業会社であるIQIP(アイクィップ)社である。入善町沖の現場に杭打ちハンマーと吊り具、グリッパー、専門技師などを提供し、基礎施工作業を無事故・無遅延で遂行した。

(アイキャッチ画像 出典:清水建設)

English version of IQIP’s article for Nyuzen OWF Project is available below the original Japanese article. Please scroll down


世界最大のハンマーIQ6 および8mスリーブ 出荷風景(出典 IQIP)





富山県入善町沖の基礎施工作業風景(出典 IQIP)

富山県入善町沖の事業は、IQIP社にとって日本国内で3ケ所目となる洋上風力発電所建設案件。その施工を担う清水建設にとっては、新造SEP船「BLUE WIND」も含めて初の工事案件だった。IQIP社は、日本初採用となる3種類の機器と、各種エンジニアリングサービスを提供した。

日本初採用機器の1つ目はフランジ型パイル建て起こしツール(FPUT エフパットと呼称)。基礎杭がTPレス杭であったことから、FPUTが採用された。2つ目はパイルガイディングツール(PGT)。作業船甲板上における杭の建て起こしと、その後の杭打設中の鉛直度支持という2つの作業を、1つの機器で行うことができる。3つ目は、大型油圧ハンマー「S—2000」。最大打撃エネルギー出力2000KJは、秋田県の秋田港・能代港湾区域で使用された1400KJ、北海道の石狩湾新港沖の800KJを大きく上回る。入善町沖の発電所建設海域の土質に関する綿密な貫入解析と、当該SEP船に最適な作業実現性分析の結果、同機種が採用された。



建造中の「XLモノパイル・テンプレート」(出典 IQIP)





気中・水中騒音低減装置 PULSE(出典 IQIP)

杭打設作業中に必ず発生するのが、気中・水中騒音。環境影響に配慮した工法を常に追求するIQIP社は、騒音低減装置に関しても複数の製品を保有・開発している。1つ目が「パルス(PULSE)」というハンマー用アタッチメント。筐体内に充填した生分解性油を介した打撃により、「瞬間的打撃から長時間圧入」へと打撃特性を変え、気中・水中騒音の双方を約6~10dB低減可能な製品である。次に、沿岸土木工事仕様で既に保有しているのが蛇腹状ゴム製カーテン構造の気中騒音低減装置(Noise Reduction Screen =NRS)。騒音低減効果は10~18dB程と大きく、洋上工事仕様に大型化した装置を開発中だ。水中騒音に関しては、水面下の杭を丸ごと覆う円柱状騒音低減装置を、欧州で海洋生物保護を目的とした水中騒音規制法が施行された数年後には製品化し、多くの実績を築いている。


Future-proof (将来を見越した)の





支店長(Director – Japan)

和泉 伸明氏



TEL :03-4545-2177

WIND JOURNAL vol.05(2023年秋号)より転載

Sponsored by IQIPジャパン株式会社


Shimizu Corporation’s newly-built jack-up vessel M/V “Blue Wind” chose
IQIP’s Hammer and handling systems

Photo: Courtesy of Shimizu Corporation

Shimizu Corporation’s newly-built jack-up vessel M/V “BLUE WIND” is the biggest jack-up vessel in Japan. And IQIP, a Dutch contractor specialized in production and operation of the offshore construction equipment provided Shimizu Corporation with a full range of support for their first project off the coast of Nyuzen in Toyama Prefecture. They provided the hydraulic hammer, handling systems along with service engineers for Nyuzen Offshore Wind Firm Project, and successfully completed its foundation installation with zero incident, and zero delay.

Extensive track record around the world

Load-out of the world’s largest hammer IQ6 And 8.0mtr Sleeve

IQIP is a construction equipment manufacturer founded in 1984 in the Netherlands. IQIP designs, manufactures, sells, leases hydraulic pile-driving hammers and handling systems for piles and other components, which are used in the foundation installation for coastal & civil projects, and offshore platforms (oil and gas drilling). Due to the special nature of our equipment, we undertake all operations and maintenance thereof. We also provide wide variety of engineering services (pile drivability analysis, feasibility analysis of pile handling operations, deck layout of installation vessels, FEM analysis of deck strength and lifting loads, airborne & underwater noise, and vibration analysis during driving operations, etc.) In the field of offshore wind energy, we have installed more than 6,000 foundations worldwide since the dawn of the industry in 1992 (approximately 80% of the global market share). Our business with Japanese customers dates back to 1989, and we have delivered nearly 50 hydraulic hammers for coastal & civil engineering clients.

Multiple “Japan’s First” for Nyuzen Project

(Left)Pile-driving with S-2000 Hydrohammer, (Top right)Lifting of a monopile with FPUT, (Bottom right)Up-ending with PGT

The project off the coast of Nyuzen-cho, Toyama Prefecture, is IQIP’s third offshore wind farm construction project in Japan. This was the first project for Shimizu Corporation, which was undertaking for the construction, as well as the maiden voyage for their newly-built jack-up vessel “BLUE WIND.” We provided three types of equipment that were used for the first time in Japan, in addition to various engineering services.

First of all, a flanged pile up-ending tool (FPUT), specifically designed for lifting flanged piles. The second is a Pile Guiding Tool (PGT), which can perform two tasks — up-ending a pile on the deck of the vessel, then holding the verticality of the pile during pile-driving — with a single device. Last but not least, our hydrohammer® S-2000. Its maximum impact energy output of 2,000 kilojoules is much higher than the 1400 KJ used in the Akita and Noshiro Port OWF Project, and the 800 KJ used in the Ishikari Bay New Port OWF Project. This model was selected as a result of a detailed drivability analysis on the soil in the installation area, and a feasibility analysis of the most suitable operation for the aforementioned jack-up vessel.

The C-36 control unit, which efficiently controls the equipment and allows a real-time monitoring from the headquarters in the Netherlands, accurately monitored and adjusted the inclination of the three piles and completed the operation ahead of schedule and without any safety incident.

Technological Development with “Gemba First” Philosophy that can handle large-sized wind turbines

Construction of XL Monopile Template

In the global offshore wind energy market, including Japan, size of the wind turbines is rapidly growing in order to reduce power generation costs. In June 2023, the world’s first 16MW offshore wind turbine (252m blade diameter) was installed in China. In the same month, IQIP manufactured and shipped out the world’s largest hammer, the IQ6, with an output of 6,600KJ, which can be used for pile-top diameter of over 8 meters.

In addition, IQIP has a wide variety of handling equipment for several types of piles and jacket pinpiles, including special lifting and up-ending hinges, grippers for verticality support, templates for aligning pin piles, and leveling equipment for grouting.

What makes IQIP stand out from the crowd is our “Gemba First” philosophy in our technological development. Unlike other European companies that only undertake design and maybe production at the most, IQIP has been constantly dispatching our service engineers to work on vessels to operate and maintain our equipment, in addition to designing and manufacturing the aforementioned equipment, ever since we had started our business. This is because we firmly believe that the best place to conduct our sales activities for our customers and to find the clues for product improvement are always on site (in Japanese, “Gemba”. In this context, on deck of our client’s vessel!). Our engineers will directly collaborate with our clients day in and day out, find some ideas for product improvement, and bring them back to the head office. Those ideas will be utilized for the development and improvement of our next-generation products.

Release of the airborne noise mitigation equipment tailored to the unique needs of the Japanese market

Load-out of PULSE, A revolutionary invention that mitigates both airborne and underwater noise

Airborne and underwater noise is always generated during pile-driving operation. IQIP, which always pursues environment-friendly construction methods, has developed or is developing several noise reduction products. What is already available for rental is PULSE, a hammer attachment that changes the impact characteristics from “instantaneous impact” to “prolonged pressing motion” by impacting a pile through its chamber filled with biodegradable oil, reducing both airborne and underwater noise by approximately 6 to 10dB. The next one is Noise Reduction Screen (NRS), an airborne noise reduction device with a bellow-like rubber curtain structure, which is already available for coastal & civil projects. The noise reduction effect is as large as 10 to 18 dB, and we are currently developing a large-size device for offshore construction. The majority of offshore wind farms in Japan are located merely 3 km offshore. IQIP offers a variety of solutions to help operators and contractors take effective noise reduction measures to address the noise concerns of local governments, residents and alike in the construction area.

Future Proof Innovation

IQIP’s product development is ‘future-proof.’ In other words, we always focus on versatility and scalability to accommodate future technological developments. The equipment we manufacture has already been designed for pile-top diameters of 10 meters or larger.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding offshore wind farm foundation installation, or if you are interested in the successes and lessons learned of European projects, please feel free to contact IQIP. We are the experts in foundation installation, from engineering all the way to ‘Gemba’ operation!


IQIP Japan K.K.
Director – Japan

Nobu Izumi


Contact us

IQIP Japan K.K.
Kishimoto Bldg. 6F, 2-2-1 Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
TEL :03-4545-2177




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vol.07 | ¥0
